Monday, October 25, 2010

Exhilarating or Oppressive?

Rome is, of course, a city that holds many appealing qualities.  Aspects such as food, music, wine, religion, shopping, and history, among others, all contribute to the organized chaos that is Rome.  However, for a first-time traveler, Rome can be a very shocking experience.  Some people are unfriendly to outsiders; there are always thieves to worry about; and there is an entirely new language to learn, as well as new etiquette.  Even the rules for crossing the street are different!  If one is not prepared for many of these changes, Rome will be a very oppressive place.
That said, Rome could be quite an exhilarating and wonderful experience for people.  There are many people who are very friendly to outsiders, and are always curious to learn more about you and where you come from.  If you are open to experimenting with language, learning Italian might be very exciting; as it is for me.  In time, and with a little effort, one can learn most of the cultural rules to live by in Rome. 
If the traveler has an interest in History, Rome will definitely be an exciting place in that regard.  Over 2,000 years of history can still be seen in the city.  It spans from Ancient times, through the Empire and the Republic, through the Biblical era, to the Renaissance, and onward through the Fascist rule in the 20th Century and into the present day.  This does not include what can be seen in museums, but merely what can be found in the “Open-Air Museum” of the city itself.
I believe that Rome will be either Exhilarating or Oppressive for a traveler, depending on his or her intentions for coming.  Rome has much to offer to a wide variety of people.  Just be prepared for a drastic change from your current culture, and be open to the new one, and Rome will open welcoming arms to you.  However, if you approach with a closed mind, expecting that everything should be the way you’re used to, Rome can be a cold, and often cruel place.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Rome being an exhilarating place especially if one is open to experiencing new things. I have come here with and open and mind and want to experience everything I can, and with that I have had a wondering and exhilarating time so far.
