Monday, November 29, 2010

Is the Catholic Church a global, or a strictly Roman institution?

When visiting Rome, even for non-religious purposes, it is difficult, if not impossible, to avoid seeing some influence of the Catholic Church everywhere you go.  Art, architecture, and religion all show great influence from the Church throughout history.  This week, we’ve studied the Renaissance era.  If it weren’t for the financial contributions from the Pope and other clergy to the artists of the time, there would be no Renaissance at all, and the Dark Ages would have dragged on possibly for centuries more. 
When I first arrived in Rome, my idea of the Catholic Church was that it had its greatest influence in Rome.  This was because Rome is the central site of Catholicism.  The Pope resides here, St. Peter was buried here, and the Vatican Museums are here (housing the greatest collection of Catholic historical artwork and documents).  However, after attending the Papal Audience earlier this week, my feelings have changed dramatically.  As I sat, listening to Pope Benedict XVI read his speech first in Italian, then in French, then English, then German, followed by Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and a few others that I couldn’t make out, I realized that the Catholic Church was in fact a worldwide institution.  It makes many efforts to reach every country around the world.  The Papal Audience, for me, was the perfect example of this. 
Many people may believe that the Church only has influence in Rome, or even in Italy.  For instance, in America, we do not have a central Catholic leader, and must refer to one who resides in Italy, on the other side of the world.  This may seem like an inconvenience, something that would make the Church unable to reach Catholics in the United States, but it’s not true.  Catholicism is just as strong in other parts of the world as it is in Italy.  And as I said before, the Church is doing everything it can to reach out to people across the globe, not just to those who live in Rome.  The simple act of the Pope reading in so many different languages, making sure that everyone listening could understand, proved this to me.  It was a very moving and eye-opening experience for me because of this.  I feel honored that I was given the chance to attend, and would recommend it to anyone, Christian or not.

Monday, November 15, 2010


To me, “Leisure” is an activity that one does for his or her enjoyment.  The “down time” between working and studying for class is my leisure time.  I usually spend this time reading a book, messing around on the computer, or watching television.  Since I’ve been in Rome, I’ve observed the differences and similarities between how Americans and Italians spend their leisure time.  For our activity this week, we were to go to the Villa Borghese and look at Italian leisure, compared to our own.  I saw groups of friends jogging or riding bicycles together.  I saw couples of all ages strolling, hand in hand, through the park.  I watched as young lovers ducked out of sight from the main roads to share a few moments alone.  I sat in an Ancient Roman amphitheater and watched all of these things, while a large group of young children played a game of soccer below me.  I could think of no place in America where I would be able to see all of these things at once.  Italian leisure is definitely different from American leisure.   
In the United States, if one goes to a mall or other public area to observe culture, they would see Americans rushing to get into this store or that, or constantly texting or talking on their cell phones, or blocking out the world with their iPods.  More time is spent with friends via the computer than over a cup of coffee like here in Italy.  It seems that being in the company of others is important in Italy, while it is not in America.  Italians would rather make time to go out with friends than sit at home in front of the TV.  I’d say Italians are on to something, and Americans should definitely adopt this aspect of Italian lifestyle.
I believe that, after I return to the United States, what I do during my free time will definitely change.  I’d like to spend more time with friends than I have in the past.  I’d like to get outside more.  I think I should make my leisure time more productive, rather than focusing on just relaxing.  I hope to start exercising more, researching more about things that interest me, seeing more of the world.  I’d like to not spend so much time texting friends, and more time talking face-to-face.  “Leisure” doesn’t have to mean that I’m relaxing and doing nothing productive.  There are so many little things that I’ve started over the years and never finished.  Perhaps this will be the time to go back to them.   
Observing Italian leisure has showed me that my flawed idea of what free-time should be used for has been nothing more than wasting my life.  What am I really getting out of sitting in front of the TV for a few hours?  I could be doing so much more.  Once I return to the US, I hope to change how I’ve been spending my leisure time.  I believe that this will improve the opinion I have of myself and my life in general.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Observing Culture: The Roman Piazza

Rome is full of piazzas, and piazzas are full of Rome.
In a Roman Piazza of today, one can observe all kinds of culture.  Some is interesting, some desirable, and some utterly grotesque.  Any way you look at it, a piazza is the “place-to-be” if one desires to observe culture, or even simply to socialize with friends, neighbors, and strangers.  The reason that piazzas are such cultural centers is that people of all races, classes, nationalities, and ages gather in them.  One can see a great variety of confrontations and communication.  Whether it be outsiders struggling to carry on a conversation with a native, gypsies tricking a group of tourists for their money, or simply children of various nationalities playing a game together, each shouting in their own language, yet somehow understanding one another.  Rich and poor alike have an espresso in a nearby cafe, or have their merenda (snack at 5pm) while seated at the base of a fountain.  These are all parts of the daily function of a piazza.
But first, what is a piazza?  In the dictionary, “a large open square in an Italian town.”  From what I’ve seen so far, a piazza is a town square, usually with a fountain or other architectural feature in the center.  The square is surrounded by small shops, restaurants, outdoor cafes, churches, and other buildings.  Day or night, piazzas are always full of people.  During the night, bars and discothèques come to life, filling with tourists and natives alike.  There is always an abundance of culture in and around the piazzas of Rome.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Does History limit or bolster Faith?

As a history major, I interact regularly with historical accounts which vary from books, letters, and journals, to artifacts and oral histories.  Many things historians read include religious topics.  Some of these can be thought of as controversial.  For instance, looking at historical accounts of Jesus sometimes contradicts what was written about him in the Bible.  For these reasons, I think that most people believe that studying history limits faith entirely.  I disagree though.  I think that learning about Jesus from the Bible alone creates an image of him that more resembles a fairy tale than an actual man who once existed.  Reading about Him from other sources gives facts about His life that make Him a real person.  For some people, this image of a real person, rather than the impossible, may limit their faith, but I find that my faith has a much stronger foundation than what I had before, relying solely on stories from the Bible.
In Rome, for example, travelers and tourists come from around the world on religious pilgrimages to visit the stairs brought by the mother of the Emperor Constantine; stairs that were thought to be the very same that Jesus walked up to hear his verdict from Pontius Pilate.  History later disproved this thought, but knowing that the stairs at Santa Scala may not have been walked on by Jesus at all does not take away from the meaning behind them.  People still flock to this site every day by the thousands!  Even if the stairs are not authentic, the people believe them to be.  They come to worship Jesus and follow His footsteps where they believe He walked.  These visitors’ beliefs are not diminished by history.
I believe that, if a person’s faith can be crushed by a single historical question, their faith was not very strong to begin with.  If it were discovered someday that Jesus’ ability to walk on water was nothing more than a sandbar in the middle of a lake, my faith would not be shaken.  My faith in God does not stand simply on Jesus’ ability to perform miracles.  It runs much deeper than that.  So for me, history does not hinder faith in a Higher Power.  Rather, it bolsters faith by giving its readers a true image of what they’ve only read about in their holy books, or heard in their church’s teachings.  If the Bible were full of scientifically proven facts, there would be no Christian faith.  There would simply be knowledge.  Faith and knowledge are two separate things for me.  I have faith that Jesus is God’s son, but I have knowledge that the Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776.  Both are absolutely true for me, but one is fact, the other is faith. 
Recently it has been discovered that Jesus was not born on December 25 in the year zero, but more likely in March sometime during the first century BC.  December 25 was chosen as the day to celebrate Jesus’ birth because it was a pagan holiday.  Early Christians wanted to make it easier to convert pagans by choosing similar dates for holidays.  Does this affect your faith at all?  Will this make you refuse to celebrate Christmas?  Of course not!  (Or at least, it shouldn’t.)  Why not?  Because faith is not based on historical facts.